Technical support is available by electronic mail. You may contact John Jensen at any of the following addresses:
The nShell(tm) brings the power and flexibility of a shell programming environment to your Macintosh. Working to complement the Macintosh user interface, the nShell allows you to deal directly with your system. You can work interactively with the shell to develop and script operations which previously required custom applications. All of this is possible in parallel with your current Mac programs.
This shell has been released in two forms. A light version, called nShell(tm), is freely distributable for non-commercial purposes. A second version, called nShell-Pro(tm), is available as a commercial product. Our goal is to make the shell environment available to as many users as possible, while providing serious users with the support and reliability of a full commercial product.
Up to twenty shells may be open at one time.
Full multitasking and background operation allow shells to run in parallel.
Shell variables and wildcards are fully supported.
The shell transcript is recorded and may be reviewed at any time.
The entire shell context, variables and transcript, is persistent and may be saved and continued at a later date.
Standard commands are provided for file and network maintenance.
Shell commands load as separate resources, minimizing memory requirements.
Flow of control statements, available in nShell-Pro(tm), allow robust scripts to be developed.
Example source code is available to allow programmers to integrate custom commands with the nShell.